Así narra Barbara W. Tuchman la movilización del ejército imperial alemán en los primeros momentos de la Primera Guerra Mundial:
Reservists went to their designated depots, were issued uniforms, equipment, and arms, formed into companies and companies into battalions, were joined by cavalry, cyclists, artillery, medical units, cook wagons, blacksmith wagons, even postal wagons, moved according to prepared railways timetables to concentration points near the frontier where they would be formed into divisions, divisions into armies ready to advance and fight. One army corps alone -out of the total of 40 in the German forces- required 170 railway cars for officers, 965 for infantry, 2960 for cavalry, 1915 for artillery and supply wagons, 6010 in all, grouped in 140 trains and an equal number again for their supplies.
Fuente: Tuchman, Barbara W. The Guns of August. Página 83.